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Join Us
iiFAR is a nonprofit, charitable organization which is primarily funded by member donations.

Note, that unlike PETA, iiFAR does not provide legal defense funds for suspected terrorists!

      To support iiFAR:
  1. Print this page.
  2. Complete the form.
  3. Checks payable to iiFAR
  4. Mail to:
P.O. Box 27454
Lansing, MI 48909



   Name: _____________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________


  Phone: (______) ______ - ___________________________
    Fax: (______) ______ - ___________________________
Email: _______________________________________________

[ ]  I DO NOT have a health problem, but I would like to become 
a friend of the incurably ill and support the efforts of iiFAR.

[ ]  I DO have a health problem, and I would like to join
iiFAR. My illness of disability is: ___________________________

[ ]  I would like to be an iiFAR spokesperson.

[ ]  I would like information about the iiFAR Action Network.


[ ]  Contributing Member................$500 annual contribution
[ ]  Benefactor.........................$250 annual contribution
[ ]  Ambassador.........................$100 annual contribution
[ ]  Supporter...........................$50 annual contribution
[ ]  Advocate............................$25 annual contribution

     [ ]  Sponsor* $_________ contribution
     *Available for individuals with health problems who
      support iiFAR but feel annual membership fees would
      present a financial hardship.
          All Donations Are Tax Deductible!

iiFAR     P.O. Box 27454    Lansing, MI 48909     Phone: (517) 887-1141     Fax: (517) 887-1710    
Images and Text Copyright ©1999 iiFAR
Images and Layout Copyright ©1999 Kevin Brawley