Podiatrists treat corns, calluses, ingrown toenails,
bunions, heel spurs, and arch problems; ankle and foot
injuries, deformities, and infections; and foot complaints
associated with diseases such as diabetes.
To treat these problems, podiatrists prescribe drugs, order
physical therapy, set fractures, and perform surgery.
Podiatrists also fit corrective inserts called orthotics,
design plaster casts and strappings to correct deformities, and
design custom-made shoes.
Podiatrists may use a force plate or scanner to help design
the orthotics: patients walk across a plate connected to a
computer that "reads" their feet, picking up pressure points
and weight distribution.
From the computer readout, podiatrists order the correct
design or recommend another kind of treatment.
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National Institute of
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National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

National Institute on Drug

National Institute of Mental

National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke